Guerlain ABEILLE ROYALE Youth Serum Firming Lift Wrinkle Correction 3ml
Bee products are known to be some of the world’s most effective natural healing substances. Born from their active power, a unique serum with Pure Royal Concentrate that stimulates the key mechanisms of the healing process within the skin* to help continuously repair wrinkles and promote tissue firmness. Visible results from the very first drops: wrinkles fill out and skin is newly firm and toned. * In vitro test
review from makeup alley
TacoFlavoredKisses on 3/10/2012 2:53:00 AM
Age: 30-35 Skin: Very Dry, Fair-Medium, Cool Hair: Blond, Straight, Medium Eyes: Blue
This is a beautiful serum. It is not watery and clear, it is rich and opaque white, but still very much fluid... it sinks into the skin and leaves skin firm and soft and looking radiant. I'm liking this entire line. I'm wondering why there are not more reviews? There is a scent, but it is not overpowering, as some Guerlain products CAN be... it's very light and nice. One of the top several ingredients is Pure Royal Jelly concentrate... I will likely but this again. I have no reason why I wouldn't!